Our two Slovak students, Petra Haulíková and Zuzana Kmeťková, attended and promoted Planet SOEN-ENTERprise your region project at international training supported by our Slovakian National Agency IUVENTA – Slovenský inštitút …
PlaNET SOEN 2.0 Innovation and Sustainability Training in Nowe Kotlice, Poland
Students, that are participating on our PlaNET SOEN 2.0 project has also the opportunity to travel and learn new skills This time they had the opportunity to meet people from …
Project PlaNET SOEN 2.0 was awarded by the Ministry of Education and Sport of Slovak Republic
We are honored and proud that on 11.12. 2019 at the conference named “Empower – Recognize” organized by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport and Iuvena – Slovak …
First non-formal training in Portugal was a great success
During 19-23 of October 2019 a non-formal education training on the topic “Financial structure” was held in Viana do Castelo, Portugal, thanks to implementation of project PlaNET SOEN 2.0. Students, …
Interesting internships in Poland were focused on science
Three students of Polish partner school, with the best school projects (Angelika Pedryc, Katarzyna Borek, Oliwia Grzywacz) had a chance to take part in a 5 day internship programme at …
PlaNET SOEN 2.0 recognized by Portuguese officials!
Another unforgettable moment of PlaNET SOEN 2.0 project was the impact that it had on the school participatory budget (SPB) in Vila Nova de Famalicão municipality. For the last three years, Portuguese Ministry …
Students fight against xenophobia
Fears of young people about the unknown, their opinion that it is dangerous to travel to less developed countries, that only the rich people travel and that traveling is time …
PlaNET SOEN 2.0 project is in its half!
Last month our project partners met in Slovenia for their overview and reflection of what has been done last school year in each project partner country. Partners reflected upon the …
PlaNET SOEN 2.0 in Portugal brought a new shower rooms or outside relaxing zone
This has been a very intensive year for PlaNET SOEN 2.0 project in Portugal! During this last few months all School Participatory Budget winning projects were implemented giving to Forave …
Poland has voted for their studnets´ best projects
Implementation of the School Participatory Budget in Kielce, Poland could start thanks to funds allocated by the Parents Committee. Shortly after the start of school 2018/2019 several non-formal workshops for upper-secondary …