The PlaNET SOEN 3.0 project has finally come to an end. And without the schools we would not have been able to implement our project. One of the main conditions …
PlaNET SOEN 3.0 project partners meets in beautiful Slovakia
The PlaNET SOEN 3.0 project’s team from Slovakia, Poland, Slovenia, and Croatia held a Transnational Project Meeting in Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia at the end of June. The two-day meeting was …
Final trainings across partner countries
Poland At the end of the PlaNET SOEN 3.0 project students from Poland were prepared to train their peers thanks to their participation in training about social innovations, green economy …
What is new in Slovenia?
Slovenian project partner Ezavod is implementing project activities in cooperation with Šentjur School Center and as part of the participatory budgeting workshops held in year 2022 within PlanetSOEN3.0 students have …
News from our Croatian PlaNET SOEN 3.0 project partner
On 15.02.2023, 16.02.2023. and 17.02.2023., and then on 02.03.2023. and 03.03.2023, staff members of the Local Development agency Pins – Natalija Mamula and Josipa Liker and teachers Sanja Kaloper and …
The student project of revitalizing the skatepark is applying for funding from the city of Banská Bystrica
One of the Slovak student projects that is seeking financial support this year within the PlaNET SOEN project and within the participatory budget of the city of Banská Bystrica is …
PlaNET SOEN project team has created a Training materials on School Participatory Budget
As PlaNET SOEN 3.0 project objective is to promote engaging more inclusive education and social entrepreneurship among young people by empowering them through innovative and integrated approaches, our SOEN team …
PlaNET SOEN 3.0 partner organisations plan their mutual job shadowing
In just a few weeks, our partner organisations will start visiting each other. The aim of this “job shadowing” is to give the sending organisation the opportunity to observe the …
Students from Poland write about their new school graffiti project
The students of our partner school from Poland (ZSI in Kielce) have finished their graffiti mural project, which was supposed to beautify the surroundings of their school. The students themselves …
Slovenia is introducing its students´ projects
Our last partner country to present its students’ projects is Slovenia.Their school is focused on agriculture and machine repairs, but also on the production and processing of food – baker, …