Recruitment of participants was done in more phases from July to September 2016 thanks what we have personally presented the project to more than 600 young people from Gemer region – high and vocational school students and young unemployed people. In first phase we presented the project in 5 schools in Gemer region and Unemployment offices in two towns. These presentations were led in non-formal way while all youngsters were involved in practical activities focused on entrepreneurship and product creation. The aim of these presentation was to present aim and activities of the project and also to bring non-formal tools and methods closer to the young people as an example of innovative methods which will be used during PlaNET SOEN trainings. In next phases there were organized two presentations and motivation seminars for youngsters from our region led by one of the best lecturer in Slovakia Ladislav Pavlík. Since 1997 Mr. Pavlík focuses on education and lectures about management, communication, stress management and business organization which were attended more than 5500 managers. This seminar was focused mainly on inner motivation and inside potential of youngsters. During whole this period there was on going recruitment via on-line medias such as Facebook, webpage, on-line newspapers, posters and regional TV.